Nguyễn Việt Hà – học viên lớp Summit Junior, giải nhì Nhà Hùng Biện Nhí 2015

My name’s Nguyen Viet Ha and I’m studying at Summit Education. I’ve competed in Summit Debate Contest 2015 and came in second place. I’m very happy and delighted about my award. In my opinion, this contest is a wonderful chance to help us to know more about each other and bring us closer. It has improved my speaking skills, working in group and critical thinking. I was in group Triple A with Nguyen Duc Anh and Can Ha An. I’ve had a lot of memorable and exciting memories with them.

During the time to prepare for the final, both of them had health problems, so it’s difficult to do our presentation carefully. But all of us really wanted to win the competition and despite of sickness, we have succeeded to go part 2 of the contest. We used rooms at Summit to practice for five times. They are sick but still try to remember their ideas and attend the practice. After this contest, I think I’ve made really good friends: Duc Anh and Ha An. They are very hard working, brilliant, have a sense of humor and dedicated. This contest is a kind of preparation for my essential English examinations like TOEFL, IELTS or SSAT. It also gives me more confidence and courage to address large audiences. Thanks to the judges, I’ve had more experience about debating: gestures, ideas, accent…I hope that Summit will have more interesting and awesome competition like this. Thanks Summit a lot for their excellent education.