Học bổng của Trường Đại học Kinh tế và Tài chính Dongbei (Trung Quốc) cho bậc học Đại học và Sau đại học. Hạn apply:15/8/2014

Scholarships at Dongbei University of Finance and Economics
Undergraduate degree scholarships
  • 8 scholarships are available for undergraduate degrees at DUFE
  • Each scholarship is worth approximately 25% of tuition fees
  • Undergraduate degrees are 4-year programmes, scholarships deduct RMB 13,500 per year from tuition fees 
    (fees before deduction RMB 53,000 per year)

Scholarships are available for all undergraduate degree programmes at DUFE including:

Postgraduate degree scholarships

  • 8 scholarships are available for postgraduate degrees at DUFE
  • Each scholarship is worth approximately 19% of tuition fees
  • Postgraduate degrees are 2-year programmes, scholarships deduct RMB 11,000 per year from tuition fees 
    (fees before deduction RMB 58,500 per year)

Scholarships are available for all postgraduate degree programmes at DUFE including:

How to apply for a scholarship at DUFE

  1. Complete and submit an online / PDF application form for your chosen course(s)
  2. After receiving your Application Confirmation email from INTO China Admissions, please use the provided link to submit the essential documents. This will enable us to perform a general application assessment.
  3. Download the Scholarship application form below and complete all fields. Submit your completed application form to cnadmissions@into.uk.com

Source: http://www.intohigher.com/china/en-gb/universities/dongbei-university-of-finance-and-economics/studying/scholarships.aspx