Học Bổng Của Quỹ Heinrich Boll Dành Cho SV Quốc Tế Theo Học Thạc Sĩ, Tiến Sĩ Tại Đức. Hạn đăng ký: 1/9/2014

Scholarships for Undergraduates, Graduates, and PhD Students 

The Heinrich Böll Foundation grants scholarships to approximately 1,000 undergraduates, graduates, and doctoral students of all subjects and nationalities per year, who are pursuing their degree at universities, universities of applied sciences (‘Fachhochschulen’), or universities of the arts (‘Kunsthochschulen’). We expect our scholarship recipients to have excellent academic records, to be socially and politically engaged, and to have an active interest in the basic values of the foundation: ecology and sustainability, democracy and human rights, self determination and justice.

Please note: We accept only online applications.

The application portal is open until 1st September 2013. Please upload your documents as early as possible, as the system can become overloaded in the final days before the deadline. This will help us to avoid any technical problems which can be caused by increased demand. Many thanks in advance!

Application deadlines, focus groups, and access to ONLINE APPLICATION PORTAL

source: http://www.boell.de/en/scholarships/scholarships.html